This autumn, we welcome a new student in our group: Valentin

​Hello! My name is Valentin Kindesjö. I started medical
school at Linköping University in the spring of 2015 after studying a year and
a half of biomedical engineering. For the autumn of 2017, I have found my way
back to IMT to join ISB group for a project in mathematical modelling, where I will
be continuing the work of previous students (most recently Johanna Fridberger
and Thirza Poot) in expanding a multi-level model over the regulation of
glucose, insulin and fatty acids, created by joining a glucose- and insulin
model created by Dalla Man et al and a NEFA model, created by Jelic et al as an
expansion on a model by Fianne Sips. I will be working to make the NEFA part of
this model more physiologically correct. Hopefully, this work will bring us
closer to finding out the exact role played by adipose tissue in maintaining
the systemic energy homeostasis, and shed some light over the dynamic interplay
between the different mechanism involved in the storage and release of fatty

I am spending my autumn in Oxford, at the group of Fredrik
Karpe, professor of metabolic medicine at the Oxford Centre for Diabetes,
Endocrinology and Metabolism, who conducted the experiments where the data I
will be using was collected.