On November 16th and 17th Gunnar, Elin, William, Tilda, Christian, Kajsa and Jonna attended the 3th national diabetes summit in Stockholm. During
this conference the Karolinska institute was the scene of many interesting conversations,
posters and presentations.
The program consisted of many interesting presentations
covering various aspects of diabetes research. Our group was represented with,
apart from a poster, a very nice talk by Elin. We have had many interesting conversations
with other researchers that may lead to some very nice collaborations. For me
personally the conference was a unique chance to see what kind of diabetes
research is performed in Sweden.
Since the end of November is approaching rapidly my time in
Sweden is almost coming to an end. I look back at a very nice time in Sweden were
I’ve learned a lot about modeling and applications of modeling to the liver.
And of course my new knowledge about things like Fika and warm meals during
lunch 😉
Regards, Jonna