On Friday, Gunnar Cedersund will give a lecture in the NBIS AI seminar series. NBIS is the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden, which is a core-facility spread out over all universities in Sweden. In other words, at each university in Sweden, there are some local bioinformaticians located, which helps out in projects. NBIS also arranges a seminar series on artificial intelligence (AI), and the next such lecture – on Friday May 17, at 10AM CET – features Gunnar Cedersund. Gunnar will talk about our digital twins, and about how they can be used to integrate a variety of data, both classical bioinformatics multi-omics data and behavioral and imaging data, into a personal data vault, and into a personalized copy of a patients. More information, abstract, and link to the online lecture is available here: https://scilifelab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IJC/pages/2780758082/Meeting+59+2024-05-17