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Lecture on Friday May 17 in the NBIS AI seminar series

Events, News, Systems biology and science Posted on Thu, May 16, 2024 11:25:59

On Friday, Gunnar Cedersund will give a lecture in the NBIS AI seminar series. NBIS is the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden, which is a core-facility spread out over all universities in Sweden. In other words, at each university in Sweden, there are some local bioinformaticians located, which helps out in projects. NBIS also arranges a seminar series on artificial intelligence (AI), and the next such lecture – on Friday May 17, at 10AM CET – features Gunnar Cedersund. Gunnar will talk about our digital twins, and about how they can be used to integrate a variety of data, both classical bioinformatics multi-omics data and behavioral and imaging data, into a personal data vault, and into a personalized copy of a patients. More information, abstract, and link to the online lecture is available here:

The IEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC)

Events Posted on Mon, August 22, 2022 07:00:00

In the middle of July, Kajsa Tunedal went to Glasgow to attend the IEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) ( and presented an ePoster: “Insights of Hemodynamic Changes in Hypertension and Diabetes through a 4D Flow MRI-Based Personalized Cardiovascular Model”. It was a great experience starting with a very scottish opening ceremony and followed by many interesting talks, workshops, and meetings with other modellers and researchers with interests in cardiovascular mechanisms and measurements.

Kajsa Tundedal showing her poster at the IEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
Opening cermony at the EMBC conference

Dancing Digital Twins – Seeing the music of Chopin and and Beethoven

Events Posted on Wed, April 27, 2022 23:00:44

After many years of preparations – 20+ years of developing the digital twins in general, and now 3-4 years of making them dance – the first lecture-performance is at last about to take place. On Thursday at 17.00 it happens! In this highly innovative event, you will not only be able to see with your eyes what happens in some of the best music ever written, but also be able to see inside a computer copy of some people in the audience – into their digital twins. By looking at and inside these digital twins, we will together explore what happens both in the body when you dance, and in the music that your twins are dancing to.

Does it sound intriguing?

Then come to Berzeliussalen at Linköping University, Campus US, on April 28, at 17-17.45. Welcome!

Read more about the event here

Last day to register: BME@LiU 2022

Events Posted on Thu, April 14, 2022 07:00:00

Today is the last day to register to the Biomedical Engineering conference at Linköping University the 28th of April, BME@LiU 2022.

Don’t miss the chance to see cool examples of combination between technology and medicine. You will be able to meet companies, researchers, and students. Get inspired, learn more about cutting-edge research, and why not discuss new collaborations. The conference will be held at Campus US, but you can also join us online.

For more information about the conference click here.

To register click here.


28th of April: A Biomedical Engineering conference at Linköping University

Events Posted on Tue, April 12, 2022 07:00:00

The Biomedical Engineering conference at Linköping University BME@LiU 2022 is a day filled with activities related to the field of Biomedical Engineering. The conference reaches out to researchers, companies, and organizations, who support, contribute to, or utilize Biomedical Engineering Technologies. This involves development of state-of-the-art technologies such as biosensors, medical imaging, AI, eHealth, visualization, with many applications in Life Sciences, e.g., circulatory and metabolic diseases, inflammation, neurological diseases and cancer.

BME@LiU 2022 will offer several levels of engagement: invited and contributed talks, posters, exhibitions, mingling arenas, and a dinner.


When? April 28, 08.00 – 17.00

Where? Campus US at LiU and online

Last date to register: April 14 2022. To register, click here

More information about the conference can be found here.


Keynote speakers:

Torbjörn Kronander, CEO Sectra

Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Dr/Associate professor at the Medical Photonics Laboratory

Lena Miranda, CEO Linköping Science Park

Gerhard Andersson, Professor at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL)

Invited lecture (and possibly teaser-performance) in upcoming MBM workshop

Events, News Posted on Thu, September 10, 2020 00:57:45

There are quite a few public lectures planned for this autumn, and one of the ones I am looking forward to a little bit extra is the MBM workshop, in Gothenburg, on October 15-16, 2020. MBM stands for Modelling in Biology and Medicine, and this is the second edition of the workshop. The workshop started as an initiative by a couple of enthusiastic Ph.D. students at the Math Department at Chalmers/Gothenburg University. But since it turned out so successful, they easily got both the support by the more senior leadership at the department, and enough positive feedback to decide to do a second edition. I really liked attending it last year, both since it was a Swedish workshop on systems biology, which means that it helps foster and grow the Swedish systems biology community, and since they managed to create a nice and cosy athmosphere. Partially because of this, the post-conference informal conversations last year led to me mentioning some of the bigger plans I am working on, which are going to become more public this year.

My dual life: scientist by day, pianist by night. Now they are starting to come together at last!

Those plans involve me combining my science and create careers into one, by doing joint lecture-performances, mixing piano, dancing, and digital twin-based stories. The original plan for this year’s workshop was to do some version of such a lecture-performance at the physical workshop. But since the physical edition had to be cancelled – due to the pandemic – the lecture will be held online. Nevertheless, in the presentation text of me at the home page, my CV covers – for the first time in a scientific event! – both my science and creative careers are mentioned side by side, and as two parts of the same thing. Already this feels really cool! And during the lecture, I plan to say, and probably also show, something short about those new and border-crossing plans in action. The workshop is held completely online, so you will be able to see it, also if you are not living in Sweden. And, later in the autumn, a more proper trailer for the first such lecture-performance will be released. The first proper such lecture-performance is planned be held during the autumn of 2021.

An exciting autumn awaits! And, the workshop is still open for abstract submissions!


Upcoming lecture in new European webinar series on 3R, Sept 22-24

3R and animal experiments, Events, News Posted on Sun, September 06, 2020 22:56:51

A new international webinar series on 3R – replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal experiments – is about to start! And we are present with a lecture!

From our group, Gunnar Cedersund and Elin Nyman are members of the National Committee on 3Rs, which also serves as the steering committee for the Swedish 3R center (S3RC). Our S3RC has now joined forces with a few other corresponding national centres, and this has led to the launch of a new webinar series. The first edition of this will take place on Sept 22-24, lunch times i.e. 12.30-13.30 CET. Gunnar will present a lecture on digital twins on the last day, i.e. Sept 24.

This is a great initiative, and I hope it will be the start of more collaborations between the centres!

More info, and sign-up here.

Upcoming Ph.D. defense, Sebastian Sten, “Mathematical modelling of neurovascular coupling”

Events, News Posted on Sat, September 05, 2020 01:59:22

On Friday, this coming week, September 11, 2020, at 9AM CET, our Ph.D. student Sebastian Sten will defend his Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Mathematical modelling of neurovascular coupling”.

Sebastian has been co-supervised between Gunnar Cedersund (who leads this group), Fredrik Elinder (BKV and electrophysiological expert), and Maria Engström (who was the main supervisor, and who is an expert on fMRI). In the thesis, Sebastian presents four papers which incrementally unravels more and more mechanistic details of how the main signal in fMRI – the BOLD signal – is generated. In Paper 1, he demonstrates that the main part of the BOLD signal response can not be caused by a negative feedback, as was first believed, but by a combination of a fast positive and a slow negative feedforward arm. In Paper 2, the model from paper 1 is extended with GABA, which makes it able to describe the negative BOLD response. In Paper 3, he unravels more mechanistic details of the two arms, and finds out that there are in fact at least three arms: the fastest positive is the NO-arm from interneurons, the slightly slower positive arm is the PGE2 arm from pyramidal cells, and the slowest negative arm is caused by NPY interneurons. In the final paper 4 (still in ms), these mechanistic details for the signalling and the control of the arteriolar diameter is embedded in a larger model, which also contains the biomechanical flow to capillariies and venules, and the creation of the actual BOLD signal. The final model is – to the best of our knowledge – the most complete and comprehensive model for the BOLD signal, and it simultaneously describes data and extracts information from informative optogenetic stimulation experiments in mice, from unique BOLD and Local Field Potential (LFP) experiments in monkeys, and from advanced MRI measurements of BOLD, volumes and flows, in humans.

Front page of the thesis, illustration done by our other group member Christian Simonsson, who wanted to capture not only the brain, but that experiments, analysis, and mathematical modelling has come together.

Overview of the main processes studied in the thesis.

After the defense, Sebastian will work for two more weeks, wrapping up the final paper. Thereafter, other people in the group will continue to work on these models, e.g. by connecting them to more detailed models for metabolism, electrophysiology, and – eventually – to clinical practice, e.g. by allowing for more measurements to come together into a more comprehensive and complete analysis of fMRI data. However, Sebastian himself will thereafter start a position at AstraZeneca, in the group we have the most contact with there: their metabolic and cardiovascular preclinical modelling group.

A link to the Ph.D. thesis is found here, and a link to the youtube event where the defense is broadcasted is found here.

Sebastian about to do the final formal step before the actual defense: nailing his thesis to the “thesis tree” of the medical faculty.

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