Last week we attended the Ph.D defence of Belén Casas, who has worked with our group during her research.
It was a pleasure to listen to the great presentation of her work and her defence. A short description about her work follows below.
Belén’s work aimed at improving the current diagnostic tools in the field of heart diseases. By analysing data gathered from using 4D flow-MRI (a technique with 3D time resolution and phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging) with mathematical models, Belén has developed tools that can be of help to improve a subject specific assessment of a patient’s cardiovascular function.
After a successful defence, there was a celebratory afterwork in Belén’s honour. We want to take our time to congratulate Belén to her well-deserved Ph.D title and wish her good luck in her future work.
Links to published articles
Briding the gap between measurment and modelling: a cardiovascular functional avatar