Today, parts of the group participated at a seminar day with the Swedish 3R center in stockholm, both with posters, presentations and in discussions.

The day consisted of presentations from people doing research that can/could lead to replacement of animal testing – specifically on organs on a chip and mathematical modelling – and a panel discussions. In the panel discussions, among other things, the capabilities of the presented research to replace animal testing was discussed, what they can replace, and what the hurdels of making that happen are. All in all, the day gave a clearer vision on where we are, where we couldget, and how to do it.

From the panel discussion. From left to right, Per Artursson, Uppsala University, Karin Stenkula, Lund University, Lotte Martoft, AstraZeneca, Peter Gennemark, AstraZeneca, and Gunnar Cedersund chairing the discussions.