Time is passing by, and several talks are on their way. Actually, today the first of them happened, via Anita Öst’s Ph.D. thesis defence. She defended her thesis “Lipid metabolism and insulin Signalling in Adipocytes – enhanced autophagy in type 2 diabetes”, with Anna Krok from Karolinska Institutet as opponent.

Next week, Gunnar Cedersund will present our work in general, and the ideas concerning unique estimation in unidentifiable models in particular, at ISY’s seminar-series on diagnosis. The details for this is as follows:
When: October 13, 10.15-12
Where: Systemet, ISY, Linköping University, Sweden
What: Unique identification in unidentifiable models, its development for systems biology, and its possible applications to diagnosis
For whom: All that are interested, it is centered around discussions, and very informal

Also on Friday in the next week, October 16, Gunnar will give a presentation of our work, again with a focus on the theoretical methods, at a conference in Hamburg. A link to this conference is found here. We recently found out that Hamburg has already established links with Linköping, in terms of possible exchanges between students, so it will be exciting to see if we can conribute to making good use of these possibilities.