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Presentations at the VPH Virtual Physiological Human conference

3R and animal experiments, Events, News Posted on Sun, August 30, 2020 01:43:23

As usual, we have attended the Virtual Physiological Human conference, which this year was given as an eConference. This year, our group was represented with two oral presentations, and three poster presentations. The first oral presentation was held by Gunnar Cedersund, with the title: “Multi-organ and multi-level digital twin models enters the clinic”, and it was similar to the presentation already held at numerous earlier occasions, e.g. at Almedalen, in the Swedish Parliament, at NIH, etc.

Screen short from Peter Gennemark’s presentation at the VPH conference

The second presentation was of a new project: Belén Casas’ postdoc project on modelling of microphysiological systems. This project is financed by AstraZeneca, who are the ones who do the experiments, in collaboration with the company TissUse. This modelling has allowed us to both understand the available system better, and to create a first translation up to humans. This brings us one step closer to finding a workable replacement for animal experiments regarding research on type 2 diabetes and Nonalcoholic SteatoHepatitis (NASH) in the liver. The postdoc project has been supervised by Gunnar Cedersund and Peter Gennemark (AstraZeneca, but also adjoint associate professor in our group). Since Belen is now away on parental leave, Peter gave the presentation. The three final poster presentations were on digital twins and multi-level modelling (Tilda Herrgårdh), on modelling of fatty acid fluxes in the fat tissue (Kajsa Tunedal), and on a new model for exercise (Antonia Klingsäter). Apart from our own presentations, it was interesting to see that the new ASME V&V40 guidelines from FDA, on usage of modelling in certification, are getting more and more traction. Another interesting presentation was the keynote held by Tarique Hussain, who talked about how he has been using advanced modelling of the heart, to help guide treatment planning of complicated cases in child cardiology.

Screen short from the presentation by Tarique Hussain

New postdoc position in the new 12 MEuro X-HiDE project

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, August 30, 2020 01:17:35

There is a now a first postdoc position open in the new X-HiDE project, of which we are a central part. X-HiDE is a new major systems biology center that is about to launch in Sweden, which recently got a major grant of 12 MEuro, over an 8 year period. The topic will be systems biology of immunology. The over-arching goal is to build up a comprehensive and re-usable model, to be useful as a module in other models for a wide variety of diseases associated with dysfunctional inflammation: cardiovascular disease, auto-immune diseases, NASH, COPD, diabetes, cancer, etc. There are more than 10 experimental and clinical partners on board, which all will contribute with data and biological/medical expertise. Apart from this, a number of large and small companies are on board as co-funders, including e.g. AstraZeneca, and Wolfram MathCore. This particular postdoc is focused on modelling, and the main expertise sought after is data-driven mechanistic modelling (typically done using ODEs).

Because of the existence of the long-term substantial funding, there will be more similar modelling positions opened up later, including a soon to be announced more senior tenure-track position. These early positions will be excellent opportunities for junior researchers, who want to be a part of building up a new systems biology center.

NOTE: Deadline for this first postdoc position is midnight September 1 CEST!

/Gunnar Cedersund, leader of X-HiDE’s workpackage on modelling