I actually made a mistake in the last post, saying that that lecture – at Öredev, Malmö, Sweden – was the third and last invited lecture that week. There was actually a fourth one upcoming: in China. This time it was at an international workshop on Digital therapeutics, i.e. eHealth and apps. It was largely focused on existing technologies, i.e. not only scientists were there, but also a lot of companies with products already on the markt, as well as the Food and Drug Administration, from the US. My lecture was given online, but a partner of mine went over there in person, to also have physical meetings, and to also help set up meetings in the New York/Boston area, to which I am travelling in the end of the month.
So – four invited presentations in one week, in four different cities, across two continents. I think that is actually a personal record 🙂
#digitaltwins #STRATIF-AI #lectures #lifeofascientist